With its expertise in different dependability approaches and methods, I AU CUBE assists you in the choice of method, software, type of calculations and application of standards.
I AU CUBE's expertise also includes advice on the management of dependability studies: identifying your needs, as well as the methodology, approach and method to be implemented.
This includes helping you ask questions, obtain the necessary information for the production of studies, helping you with the methods’ limitations or to increase the precision of your work.
Our objective is not to highlight changes to be made using predefined templates, but rather to include you in the choices so that you find value in dependability studies, which are often wrongly seen as a constraint.
Each I AU CUBE service is based on:
Individually tailored
Everything is done with you, according to your field and criteria.
Individually tailored
A diversified toolbox
Toolboxes of different software and approaches that are efficient, tested and proven in various fields.
A clear methodological approach that is explained from the outset, with the aim of meeting your needs in a precise manner.
Each project ends with the production of a report that takes into account discussions, exchanges and recommendations.
In the industrial world, new issues appear almost daily.
These new challenges, whether economic or environmental, present an opportunity to implement new models.
Whether it is simulation models on existing cases or research work, I AU CUBE provides you with modelling solutions adapted to your problems and meeting your criteria.
Models can be made conjointly, or just by us, with all the necessary explanations to ensure that you can use them in the most efficient way.
Whatever the approach, it is possible to create libraries of components, models, equipment, etc. ready to be used in-house by your employees.
Our solutions will always be tailored to your needs and circumstances.

Operational safety studies often require a rigorous methodology in order to comply with numerous standards (IEC 61508, IEC61511, ISO 20815, etc.).
Deploying a rigorous, clear methodology adapted to your needs from the outset will save time in producing the required deliverables.
Together we define your objectives,
the intermediate steps, appropriate model, software to be used, and finally, the information to be collected.
Once the methodology has been described and explained, reference document templates are drawn up to facilitate implementation within your organisation.
A new issue to address?
A standard to apply?
Customer constraints to respect?
Safety objectives to meet?
I AU CUBE provides you with an external expert viewpoint in order to advise and guide you towards best practices and approaches.
Our aim is not to provide you with off-the-shelf methods but to take into account your existing approaches in order to improve them and fully integrate you into the different operational safety study processes.
You will participate in the development of safety plans with the goal of making them your own, which is essential for their successful implementation.