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Upskilling is a key issue for companies, as well as for engineers, technicians and others working in the industrial world. It ensures that companies have self-sufficient employees who are confident in their ability to carry out their tasks.


​Directly applicable, I AU CUBE training courses allow participants to acquire knowledge of the state of the art in dependability.


I AU CUBE is a QUALIOPI certified training organisation and all our training courses are eligible for OPCO and CPF funding (invoiced via the Ad'missions umbrella company).

Choosing I AU CUBE for your dependability training means you go home with a theoretical and practical toolbox that you will have tried and tested during the course. 

It’s not about accumulating knowledge without putting it into practice. 

All our training courses are based on Accelerated Learning, which makes learning fun, fast and relevant. 

Whether it's face-to-face or remote, you will be put in a positive learning context to increase your engagement, your knowledge and above all to favour long-term memorisation.

Les avis de nos apprenants parlent pour nous :​

  • Satisfaction de 9.2 / 10 sur l'ensemble des formations ;

  • Pour 100% des apprenants la formation est nécessaire à leur poste

et a répondu à leurs attentes personnelles ;

  • 9.5 apprenants sur 10 recommandent la formation à leurs collègues ;

  • et une note 9.8 / 10  sur l'animation de la formation.


Résultats de l'enquête de satisfaction réalisée entre janvier 2022 et août 2024.

Image de Leon

From theory to practice via standards....




The Boolean approach is the most widely used and well-known approach used in dependability.

The practical part of the training courses is carried out using TotalEnergies' GRIF software suite * with a double objective: mastering both theory and practice.




The Boolean approach has its constraints and limitations. As a result, it is not uncommon to use simulation methods. 

Petri nets allow us to simulate the life of an industrial plant to see its evolution over time.

 In this context, course modules are as follows:




Calculations relating to standards IEC 61508/61511 a mystery for you?


Or do you know the theory and formulas but find it difficult to apply them?


During this comprehensive three-day course, you will learn the basics of dependability, as well as the functional safety requirements of the Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD) calculations required to meet a given Safety Integrity Level (SIL).


From a computational point of view, different approaches will be discussed and put into practice (fault trees, use of the GRIF SIL module).


IEC61508 / 61511

réunion d'affaires


Our courses can be carried out in-house.


In this case, our instructors come to your premises after having studied your needs beforehand. The exercises and practical applications are either drawn from your case studies or are as close as possible to your industrial issues.


Cross-firm courses take place in the Bordeaux region (Bordeaux, Lacanau, North Bassin d'Arcachon) or in Paris.


In order to ensure quality of service, courses are limited to six people in face-to-face sessions and four people in remote learning.


All courses run from 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5.30pm.

A sliding scale of charges is applied from the third registrant onwards from the same company.

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